Do you even know your dog? We do. Use their birthday to find their zodiac sign and tell us that isn't your dog to a T.

January 20th - February 18th
Quirky in a very endearing way. Might not pick up what other dogs are putting down. "Loves" people, but doesn't want to be touched. Spins approximately 2.45 times on a northwestern axis before pooping or laying down.

February 19th - March 20th
A sensitive soul. Makes sure everyone at the dog park has a friend to play with. Follows you into the bathroom every time you need to go #2.

March 21st - April 19th
Leader of the pack. Can bark.howl excessively when a chippy or squirrel enters their domain. Occasional scruffles on the trail over seemingly insignificant slights. No ragrets.

April 20th - May 20th
Likes to leisurely walk the exact same route at the exact same time every day. Total couch potato and cuddle bug - unless they need some space. In which case, ew, do not touch them. Gets very anxious when you move their bed across the room.

May 21st - June 20th
Has a busier social schedule that you. President of the dog park. Valedictorian and voted most popular at obedience school. One time, at band camp, he did catch his tail.

June 21st - July 22nd
The best listener at the end of a long day of work. Doesn't really now when someone is trying to end the conversation though. His puppy dog eyes are now a filter on IG.

July 23rd - August 22nd
#1 guy in the group. The louder the 'fit, the better. May or may not have 10k Instagram followers. Claims to be the inspiration for the song 'Who Let The Dogs Out'.

August 23rd - September 22nd
A real problem solver. Keeps their upstairs toys completely separate from his downstairs toys, all arranged by color - and then texture. Lets it be known when you're more than 1 minute late with the dinner kibble.

September 23rd - October 22nd
A harmonious soul. May rearrange your flower bed to suit their aesthetic preferences. Has very strong feelings about leash-collar color combinations. Genuinely believes that they will catch the birds they chase, but would instantly regret the offense to birdkind.

October 23rd - November 1st
A multi-faceted dog. Sitting on your lap isn't close enough, but remember - they don't need to no human. Stares intently into your soul, either to express undying devotion, or just an aggressive reminder that you need to pay the cheese tax.

November 22nd - December 21st
The life of the party. Possesses many strong opinions and lets them be known. Resolves to check off every trail on AllTrails. Tracks his zoomies on Strava.

December 22nd - January 19th
Smart, intuitive, and disciplined. Never had a naughty puppy phase. Has had one leash and collar their entire life. Bought in when Milkbone stock was at an all-time low.